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The advantages of an unusual night in the heart of nature
Spending an unusual night in a tree house in the middle of nowhere offers many advantages, combining adventure, relaxation and discovery. Far from the hustle and bustle of the city, this experience allows you to reconnect with nature and enjoy a real moment of escape. Here are just some of the advantages of choosing an unusual night in a tree house.

Back to nature
The main reason for choosing an unusual night in a tree house is to reconnect with nature. Waking up in the middle of the trees, the contact with the natural environment is intense and soothing. It's a great way to regain a sense of freedom and get away from the stresses of everyday life.

A unique experience
Spending a night in a tree house is a unique and memorable experience. It's a chance to experience something out of the ordinary, far removed from traditional hotels and accommodation. The sensation of being up high, in communion with nature, creates unforgettable memories.

Total disconnection
By choosing an unusual night in a perched hut, you're opting for a real break from the world. By cutting yourself off from the technology and noise of the city, you can fully recharge your batteries and relax. It's the perfect opportunity to refocus on the essentials and enjoy the peace and tranquillity that nature has to offer.

The advantages of an unusual night in the heart of nature
Spending an unusual night in a tree house in the middle of nowhere offers many advantages. Whether you're looking for a romantic getaway, a family experience or a moment to relax on your own, this unusual type of accommodation is a great way to recharge your batteries and enjoy unique moments in communion with nature.

Back to basics
A tree house offers the opportunity to disconnect from everyday life and get back to basics. Far from the noise and bustle of the city, you can enjoy absolute calm and a soothing atmosphere conducive to relaxation and meditation.

Total immersion in nature
Spending a night in a tree house gives you the chance to immerse yourself in nature. Surrounded by trees, you can observe the surrounding flora and fauna, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Here are the facilities on offer for your unusual night in a tree house. The squirrel hut has a magnificent bathroom with toilet, towels are provided, there's electricity, a mini bar, reversible air conditioning, a mezzanine for children and a superb terrace overlooking the valley. You're in a cabin with all the comforts!


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